Jean Paul Enerst
Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎12-11-2009

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Hi Gents,Hope you can direct me in the right direction here. I have RMA installed, and it has been working great. But lately, I have been getting user account lock out in the Jabber client, but the AD account isn't. End users said they did not type t...
Hi all,I am looking for some guidance here, and  I am quite certain that some of you, great minds, will be able to stir me in the right direction here. And a big thanks in advance. Here we go, i have three sites connected over private link MPLS. Full...
 Hi, Pros,I have an issue here that keeps bothering me. Our UC environment is fully working with Expressway-c and e. With that pandemic go around we have all the staff working from home and most of the are using Jabber on their Desktop. It works grea...
 Hi Gents, With the craziness going on with CONVID-19, i need to get my user setup to work from home which include a full jabber softphone. I would like to about if everything softphone is count as license or not???  on Top of CUCM enhanced plus lice...
Hi Gents, I have been struggling with that one for a while now... I have a site-2-site VPN with our Parent company where they have to initiate the tunnel in order to send traffic. for some subnets everything works fine, we can initiate the traffic; h...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-11-2009 02:42 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-07-2020 01:21 AM
Posts 343
Total Helpful Votes Received 25
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