Dear Mister
Me again. About the Cisco 9300-24T.Using Cisco IOS XE Software, Version 16.06.03.
According to Command Reference 16-6 Cisco 9300:
Dear Mister
Is possible in 9300 Catalyst in a port-channel, watch what link in the port-channel is sending the traffic? Where the traffic was sent in a port-channel?? What the link in the port-channel is using.
In the Nexus 5k this is possible, ...
Dear Mister
I have a VSS 4500-X, this equipment is funcioning OK. The enviroment variables are rigth. No doubt about that.
But, in the near past time, the equipment start to give a whistle sound. Never heard something like that.
What could it b...
Dear Mister
I had a scenary, where I have a MPLS network. In the borders, the protocol is EIGRP.
By someone reason the redistributed routes EIGRP -> mpbgp >> EIGRP are show like "internal".
Is possible to change this toward EXternao EIGRP??? I am t...
Dear MisterI need to know what are the requierement in a VS-SUP2T-10G in order to pass from IOS 15.0(1)SY4 towars IOS 15.1.2SY5.The question is because in other cards and older IOS, exist a matrix taking in account what IOS software and the requierem...
Maybe I am not clear.
In Nexus 5k is posible to watch by what interface is the packet exiting. O Cisco 4500-X. The comand is:
show port-channel load-balance [ forwarding-path interface port-channel number { . | vlan vlan_ID } [ dst-ip ...
Tha t command is used in order to know what is the load-balance method. In this case, is SRC-MAC.
But, my question is about how Can i know by where interface the traffic is exiting. Not Po1, else, what link belong the po1 is exiting the traf...