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Level 1
Member since ‎12-01-2004

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  • 57 Posts
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Hello Everyone!! I have a P2P link between 2 Offices (layer2 link) 3560x------3560x I need to limit the bandwidth (we pay for 10Mbps), tried the commando below but users are still getting higher speeds SW-CORE-01#sh run int g0/20Building configurat...
Dears, Recently our provider changed the type of our P2P Link between our remote office and HQ. THey said we are now connected via L2 WAN Links (P2P)... But after That our clients in that remote office are not getting IPs anymore (DHCP server is loc...
Dears, Due to VLAN numbers difference, we had to implement flexconnect at remote offices using VLAN mapping parameters...We need to control bandwidth for all mobiles/tablets traffic... How would be the best solution ? Does the WLC have any BW control...
Dears,Does anyone can confirm if bandwidth limitations configuration at WLC 5508 (jpeg attached) should work in remote sites APs (configured as flexconnect)? We configured that parameter but it seems to be working only with our local APs (same office...
Hello All!!I need to create a EEM script to shutdown both "interface VLAN" and interface giga if certain IP address stops to reply pings.... I did that:event manager applet SHUT_INT event ipsla group-name "PING" reaction-type timeout dest-ip-addr 172...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-01-2004 01:29 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:03 AM
Posts 57
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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