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Member since ‎07-25-2008

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Hi. I'm trying to set up a double-WAN load-balancing scenario: I decided to attempt the "multiple same-metric routes with NAT" approach so I went for the example used in the IOS NAT Load-Balancing for Two ISP Connections Configuration Guide [1]. I d...
Hi!I set up an SNMP-based Cacti bandwidth grapher. Polling time is usually 5 minutes, but I needed more resolution so I set it up to 1 minute. It's working great on everything, so the Cacti installation is fine, but there is something weird about the...
Hi. I just set up a QoS lab, trying to verify the "priority" statement in a couple of Cisco 871.This is the diagram: connected the two 871 back-to-back in the Fa4 (WAN) interface and set it to 10/Au...
Hello.In a DMVPN lab I have one Hub router and two Spokes. The DMVPN is working properly. Routing works, spokes see each other, tunnel protection works. The problem I'm facing is the following.Besides the DMVPN, the hub router and spoke1 have a direc...
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Member Since ‎07-25-2008 01:13 PM
Date Last Visited ‎06-05-2018 08:14 PM
Posts 12