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Member since ‎06-13-2007

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Hello everybody,I'm trying to access the shell of the defense center using the admin user but I'm unable to do so.I only have the admin user configured and i'm not using external authentication.I'm missing something here? 
Somebody knows if is possible to successfully pass traffic through an interface bridge between a FWSM and the MSFC using an external IPS Solution as inline physical interfaces?In theory should work just like vlan bridging in the connection through an...
I have a secure website behind an Cisco ACE20 using A2(3.2). Everything is working great. Only that now I need to renew my certificate. When creating the CSR and sending it to my CA I get this warning:"Alert: Your CSR has been signed using the MD5 ha...
If there any other way to exempt static NATs to certain destinations without using static route-map feature?I have a 861 router and as far as I know the feature "NAT - ability to use route maps with static translations" is only available starting fro...
Hello, if there anyway to configure site-to-site vpn redundancy using a cisco asa. I know that I can configure redundancy using two ISP on my cisco ASA but pointing to the same peer, but what about if I need to point to different peers but to protect...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-13-2007 06:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-11-2019 01:42 PM
Posts 27
Total Helpful Votes Received 4
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