Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎07-13-2006

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  • 231 Posts
  • 5 Solutions
  • 147 Helpful votes Given
  • 42 Helpful votes Received
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Not sure I understand what Cisco is trying to accomplish or more importantly what action is needed. CSCvw48062 is a feature enhancement to help mitigate vulnerability CSCvv30103.  Correct?  I guess I should update AnyConnect to version 4.9.04053.  Af...
I am in the process of implementing 802.1x for our wired infrastructure.  Laptops are using certificates from a local CA for authentication.  I am at the point of implementing CRL.  I successfully added the CRL settings but I am finding there are som...
I would like to use multi-factor authentication for admin access to my switches and routers.  Currently TACACS and an ISE (2.4) are being used.  My first question is the switch commands.  Does anything in the switch or router configuration need to ch...
I having difficulty with EIGRP route distribution.  I do NOT want static routes to be redistributed into EIGRP yet both and are being redistributed.    router eigrp 100  network  network
I am building a dot1x configuration for my switches.  I am using the new-style (authentication display config-mode).  I have built the configuration to work correctly for MAB and dot1x authenticates successfully.  I am at the point of creating the co...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-13-2006 09:52 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-04-2024 05:26 AM
Posts 231
Total Helpful Votes Received 42