If you are interested in a 3rd party solution to address this issue and possibly many more that you have with CUIC, please read on and contact us. We take the complexity out of generating reports.
In our system you can generates all reports b...
It is a known deficiency in Cisco Express that there is not a daily interval report.
There are also no standard “day of week” interval reports that assist in “trending” projects.
The newest versions of Cisco Express have an option where yo...
Curious to know if your issue is with "getting the data" or is it with creating a 3 column report within the CUIC? Our reports are very simple to create and easily modified to fit your requirements. Please let me know if a 3rd party solution is wor...
We take the complexities out the need to know how to create custom reports and let you modify existing advanced templates and with click and drag functionality - design your own with ease. Reports that provide instant subject matter feedback ...
Chad, If you are opened to looking at a 3rd party solution that has a report set that lets you customize with ease & so much more- please let me know. Ron Reif / SMSI /