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Member since ‎01-10-2011

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HI everyone,Hope you are all doing well! I would like to get your opinion and see if this is feasible.We are deploying laptops for mobile users. The laptops will be joined the domain and Cisco AnyConnect will be used to connect to the corp network. I...
Hi everyone,Hope you can help~ We have a FTD managed by FMC. It still runs the AD integration feature but not ISE. I would like to run a report on FMC. What I try to get is which categories the users in specific by user name  in the network access to...
HI everyone, I want to say Happy New Year to all of you and wish you a healthy year first!I have some questions on AnyConnect VPN. Currently we are using for remote access. It runs in FTD managed by FMC running 6.4. We do not have ISE IDT and still u...
HI everyone,Hope you all doing well. I have some questions about "Port Order with Microsoft Team" topic my manager brought up. Currently we are using Call Manager and Unity v11. We also use PRI (not SIP). We got a trunk of DID (with series of continu...
HI everyone, Hope you are doing all well. and hope you can help  I have one task need to get done on a new FTD I got for a staff here in my company. What he wants is to setup the FTP so that it will replace the firewall function on the windows server...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-10-2011 09:18 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-06-2023 05:35 PM
Posts 129
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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