Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎03-17-2009

User Statistics

  • 21 Posts
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  • 5 Helpful votes Given
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User Activity

Hi, We are trying to have reports from calls of Non-Immersive Endpoints. We need to have info about jitter and packet loss.I know it is saved in the logs in file called call_history.txt and available via Web interface under "Diagnostics - Call Histor...
Hi,Is there any way how to verify outgoing packet marking from TX and CTS Immersive systems on the system itself please?Can I find it somewhere in the logs? In which one please?I can see packet marking for incoming packets in Call Statistics but not ...
Hi,I tried to install second TMS 14.2. in DMZ and to connect it SQL database in internal TMS.I am not able to connect to internal TMS database when using "IP_ADD_InternalTMS\tmsng". I received error that server does not exist or access is denied and ...
Hi,Is there any detail description in which circumstances we can have "No Show" status for the scheduled meetings on CTS-MAN instead of "Completed"?P2P meeting - when Start Meeting button is pressed for meeting start than the meeting will be "Complet...
Hi all,Is there any possibility to terminate P2P scheduled meetings scheduled by CTS-MAN?It is working for multipoint meetings:TP Server – the conference is automatically deleted after scheduled time.CTMS – after CTS-MAN configuration under Meetings ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-17-2009 04:07 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-07-2023 04:10 AM
Posts 21
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