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Member since ‎10-30-2002

User Statistics

  • 62 Posts
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Hi all,I have a somewhat very specific question.We want buy a new wireless controller 9800 but cause of delivery issues we need to connect our old WLC5508 to a HP switch. HP switch has only 25Gigabit Port. We have insert a 1GigSFP and connected WLC t...
First of all: I know, OEAP602 is an very old devicebut we have the issue that sometimes devices (I-Pads) cannot connect to an OEAP602. We don*t have this issue on OEAP1810.WE have debugged the client and saw that there is an DEAUTH.But we don't know ...
Hi all,I am looking for CLI command to clear the database from MSE 3355.Does anybody knows the command or the procedure for cleaning database?Thanks
Hi,we have done an inline upgrade  of the prime infrastructure from 3.0 to 3.7 The upgrade went without any problems and the prime works as well, but there are no jobs in the dashboard. Is this normal behavior? I don't think so, but I'm not sure. Is ...
Hi Guys,I'm not sure what is the best solution to configure a Workaround for a passive Client.We have wired Clients behind Workgroup bridges (Siemens) with static IPs.Additional we have configured AP Group.Since passive Client together with AP Groups...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-30-2002 07:57 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-15-2023 05:06 AM
Posts 62