Level 2
Level 2
Member since ‎06-18-2002

User Statistics

  • 271 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 54 Helpful votes Given
  • 37 Helpful votes Received
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User Activity

HI, I am running CUCM 10.5.2 and have an issue with Brand New 8945 phones ending up unprovisioned after they upgrade firmware. They should get a phone number assigned from a range through AR. I checked and there are available AR numbers as well. Thi...
HI, I am looking for a way to measure the number of users logged into Jabber and capturing that data to use in a report to measure our adoption rate. I know you use to be able to look at the dashboard in IMP 9.X and i can also see the users logged in...
Hi,Israel just changed their DST this last Friday. CWMS shows +3 GMT  but is should be +2 GMT. Seems to be a system setting. Does this require a patch, update etc...? Thanks, Randall   
Hi all,I have a user trying to make a VoIP call from an iPhone when connecting to a meeting. Is this supported?  Thanks, Randall  
Hello,I need to BAT in a service on a  large number of phones. If button #4 was a serviceURL button how can I BAT in a particular service? Thanks, Randall 
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-18-2002 09:48 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:03 AM
Posts 271
Total Helpful Votes Received 37
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