Paulo Ferreira
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎07-23-2010

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  • 118 Posts
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  • 86 Helpful votes Given
  • 206 Helpful votes Received
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Hello, we have a PCCE 12.6 and we have the need to change the Maximum Array Size of variable user.microapp.ToExtVXML. It's possible to do it or can we delete and recreate the variable with new values?
Hello,we ware trying to configure certificates in our cms in service webbridge3 and we are unable to start the service: acano> pki verify webbridge3.cer BundleCARootWB3.cerSuccessacano> pki match webbridge3.key webbridge3.cerMatching certificate and ...
Hello, in unity connection after we transfer the call directly to a extension with supervise transfer, in call handler, there is the parameter " Rings to Wait For". After that time ringing, if the call isn't answered, the call go to voice mail. There...
Hi, we have a costumer with 3 Cisco Spark room kit registered in Spark cloud. In a call we don't have the option to add more devices (just "share" or "end call") . Is some configuration in admin spark page? Licensing issue? What are we missing? Regar...
Hello, We have a customer who wants to replace the ringtones with MoH. When someone calls them, they want the caller to hear MoH instead of ringing tones. It's possible? we try with hunt pilot activating queing, and with Call Handlers in Unity witho...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-23-2010 04:14 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-08-2024 03:50 AM
Posts 118
Total Helpful Votes Received 66