Marc Clasby
Level 1
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Member since ‎06-14-2011

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  • 115 Posts
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  • 29 Helpful votes Received
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My team and I talking and we may want to consider job classes as being the way to provide support teams. I can see few advantages to using job class:#1 Job Class is not tied to security, and is available as filter criteria (meaning you can isolate to...
For those that use fault tolerance in production (and non-prod)Has anyone setup FT master and Backup Master on same server infrastructure?Typically we have kept these separate machines but there seems to be little or no benefit besides high availabil...
I am curious as to what everyone else is doing for runbooks and/or notes for jobs. Is it valuable for your teams, does anyone take advantage of the hyperlink capabilities by using a wiki? How do you enforce / audit for runbooks/notes data? anyone hav...
I am not sure if this is appropriate in this area, but I am also curious about what other features other customers are interested in, here are a few of ours:Email Adapter to have the ability to strip off an attachment to an email that is sent to a ti...
Anyone else leveraging these tools to remotely execute against application/database tiers? We are perfroming basic activities - stop/start service, remote batch file execution, file operational activities. We are trying to simplify our toolsets but i...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-14-2011 09:31 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:27 AM
Posts 115
Total Helpful Votes Received 29
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