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Member since ‎10-13-2013

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So my CISCO 3925 ROUTER has IOS 15.7(3)M6 I can only find Documentation for 15.3(3) and 15.6(3)... they are Basically all 15.x M&T Versions...I guess my question: Is there going to be much Difference in the Documentation that I use?? 
I have a Cisco 3900 Router...I do have AFTER MARKET SFP RJ-45 Modules in it howerver I would like to see about installing CISCO CERTIFIED SFP RJ-45 modules in itI cant seem to find the CORRECT MATRIX LIST of the MODULESCan anyone please point me in t...
HI...I have a Cisco 3925 Router and would like to setup DNSSEC on it...I have searched for Documentation but cannot find any.Does anyone knowwhat I should be looking for? thx
Hello,What I am trying to do is Redirect Port 80 and Port 443Here is what I believe will work but I thought I would get some adviceip nat inside source static tcp 80 interface GigabitEthernet0/2 60080ip nat inside source static tcp 192.16...
So I have a Cisco 3925 Router, Maxed out on Ram, Very few Users (3) plenty of Internet.I have been doing alot of reading and gathering of info on VPN (IPSEC)- I would like to do the Authentication of the Users on the Router ( No Radius)Total memory s...
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Member Since ‎10-13-2013 04:00 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-31-2024 07:01 PM
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