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Member since ‎01-07-2014

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Hello, I am studying a use case for NSO RESTCONF NED, does cisco now provide a NED Builder for RESTCONF, similar to the existing NETCONF NED Builder tool ? If not, are there any links or documentation that can help me start to manually build a REST...
When I try to get junos configuration using nso cli, it works:admin@ncs# devices device vmx1 rpc rpc-get-configuration get-configuration config-text | display xml<configuration-text xmlns='_juniper-junos-nc-4.6:juniper-junos-nc-4.6#urn:juniper-rpc'>#...
I was able to test https://community.cisco.com/t5/nso-developer-hub-discussions/commit-and-rollback-usint-action-python-code/m-p/4145068. I used transaction.load_rollback(rollback_nr), and it works. I tried also _ncs.maapi.load_rollback, and _ncs_maa...
Hello    I am trying to follow the tutorial, but I get "silence timeout" error, when trying to build-netconf-ned, as shown below ? what does this error mean ? is there somewhere i can increase the timeout value to prevent this error ?   admin@ncs> re...
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Member Since ‎01-07-2014 10:27 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-13-2022 09:13 AM
Posts 8