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Member since ‎12-09-2003

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Hello,would it be possible with UT LMS 2.5 to discover MAC addresse behind a non cisco ip phone.
Is it possible to configure vrf and saa on a router.If so, how does the router aware which vrf (eg. management loopback) the saa should belong to.Thanks
Hi,this report shows me that the startup config doesn't match the running config. The running config is freshbut the startup shows something older but not the actual startup from the device. An archiv update desn't help. what is wrong ?
Hi,is there a way to deinstall some parts of LMS ?I would like remove the Campus Manager from the system ?Thanks to all
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Member Since ‎12-09-2003 05:20 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
Posts 9