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Level 1
Member since ‎08-08-2016

User Statistics

  • 9 Posts
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  • 6 Helpful votes Given
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Hi, Has anyone find a way to customize the login page which which pops up when Webex APP or Jabber try to login to the phone service? I would like to change the Logo or that page and change the page title from "Account Login" to "Phone service Accoun...
Hi, we have recently deployed CMS for our client, everything works fine as we expected. But one of the things did not go as expected, which we have never tested but assumed it will work as other systems.  The WebRTC guest portal does not have a passw...
I have been searching for the upgrade file from 2.6 to 2.8, but in the download page, everything prior to 2.8 is not there anymore, however the End-of-support date was 2021 for 2.6.Anyone knows where can I find the 2.6MR3 files for upgrade? This file...
The system was originally shipped with 8.0.0, we have upgraded it to 8.3 then 9.0.0(19), everything was fine for a week and a half. Suddenly this morning after 5 to 10 mins during the call, all screen went black and Touch 10 shows lost connection. Tr...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-08-2016 07:21 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-05-2021 05:31 AM
Posts 9
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