Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎10-13-2017

User Statistics

  • 12 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 25 Helpful votes Given
  • 6 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

 Hello, i have a pair of 3548-X in a vpc domain in one DC, and another pair of 3548-X in another vpc domain in another DC.  i have all of them connected in a mesh. i have 3 vlans basically in a RPVST+ spanning tree. all of the vlans have converged be...
Hi there, I'm trying to get it four Nexus 3524-X to login authenticate with windows 2019 NPS via radius protocol, but so far no luck.I see in the NPS logs there 2 of the switches are sending radius requests, but somehow NPS doesn't like them, i have ...
Hi I am trying to get a macsec 256 link between a 9300-24T-A(ios xe 16.6.6) and  WS-3850-24S-S (ios xe 16.5.3) according to ciscos cfn both platforms and software versions should support this and i see the 9300 and 3850 supports this in the configura...
Hi there,When i look table 6 at , I see that the switching capacity is at 480Gbps. If i enable all 48 ports, will the switching capacity be the sa...
hi   like the title says, is it possible to tie one radius server to a specific switchport and then have other ports tied to another radius server? i know one can define several radius groups but how do i assign them to specific ports. i mainly use c...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-13-2017 05:00 AM
Date Last Visited ‎01-20-2021 01:26 AM
Posts 12
Total Helpful Votes Received 6
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