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Member since ‎05-31-2004

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Hi,I have got this error when post an XML execute to an ip phone. Seems quite many of people here also get this problem, anyone know the reason?I am using IPC + CM Sim.The script is from the SDK.
Hi,I have a IP Communicator + CM SimI would like to execute an url on remote IPC, using ExecuteItem, when POSTing thrus the HTML, a pop-up sceen appear which prompt for user name + password.However, as I am just using CM Sim, where the user informati...
Hi,I would like to know the value of Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT") in 7970.As I have to determine the type of IP Phone accessing my service.Anyone know?Thanksp.s. for 7960, i got Allegro-Software-WebClient/3.10
Hi,anyone know how to get the device type of the connected ip phone (in ASP), such as 7960. 7970, ip communicator ?thanks
Hi,Is it possible to run XML service on Cisco IP Communcaitor, without a CallManager?I have tried the CM Sim, it only work for the first time when I launch the IP Communicator. But afterward, the IP Communicator cannot be launched.Any settings need t...
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Member Since ‎05-31-2004 08:08 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
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