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Member since ‎07-31-2017

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I need to create a solution for 50 users for WebEx calling with the PSTN option in US.They will be using both Handsets and WebEx calling app for cloud calling PSTN (non BYOPSTN)Anyone has created CCW Estimate with MPP phones with cloud calling PSTN o...
What is the migration strategy of CUCM from MCS (7.1.2) to BE6K (11.x)   I'm looking for the steps at this point.   e.g.    1. Upgrade 7.1.2 to 7.1.5 in MCS   2. take the backup of 7.1.5 in MCS   3. Virtualize 7.1.5 into BE6K (I believe it is not sup...
My Customer has purchased CUAC Standard and they would like it to be integrated with JAWS software:https://www.freedomscientific.com/products/software/jaws/ What I need to find out if CUAC has API available for 3rd party integration.Or if someone has...
As I understood if we need to upgrade CUCM version to 12.x we need to first convert them to Smart Licensing. If we are moving the customer to Flex Licensing plan do we still need them to first convert to Smart Licensing?   Thanks,
The customer has below products: CUCM RoomKits O365 Meetings - Zoom   I need to understand what would it take so they can schedule both Video meeting (Point to Point or MultiPoint) and zoom meetings so when they schedule it with the Outlook it shows ...
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Member Since ‎07-31-2017 01:41 PM
Date Last Visited ‎09-13-2019 12:01 AM
Posts 22
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