Level 7
Level 7
Member since ‎07-15-2002

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Hi All,I have many routers (> 30) that currently uses EIGRP for routing. I am using segment (example only) , and subnets exists everywhere. Topology is hub-spoke.So, in my router, the eigrp config look like below:router eigrp 100 network 10...
Hi,I have 2 x core switches with HA/redundancy (hsrp for vlans). The switches are linked via DOT1 trunk. 10 Vlans exists (vlan 1 to vlan 10). Core 2 hosts 3 active Vlans (with higher hsrp standby priority, lower in core2).Example:Core 1 ? Vlans with ...
Hi,I have created dummy rules to drop any events that is rated as normal activities such as when switch interface status changed to up/down everytime users on/off their PCs, or when firewall translation is expired once the connectivity/sessions is te...
Hi,Anybody experienced this scenario before? The devide that I added into MARS (Snort 2.0) does not appear in the device list. I need to modify/delete it as there was a mistake in the device properties/info. However, this device did appear in the net...
Hi,We recently migrated Server VLAN behind FWSM running in transparent mode.Before migration, access to mail server was working fine. All users accessing the email server are required to login.However, after this VLAN migrated behind FWSM, users are ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-15-2002 12:32 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
Posts 1,038
Total Helpful Votes Received 791
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