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Member since ‎01-27-2015

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Dear Experts, Scenario : PC A (windows Server 2012 with two banking Applications hosted on it) IP : Application 1 needs to reach to Server IP :  Application 2 needs to reach To Server IP : When Application 1...
Dear Experts, Am Confused ..Please help me to clear this .. 1.What is Exactly FTD 6.0 ? 2.Does it replaces the images of ASA and Firepower (.pkg & .img) in asa ..? 3.Does it replaces the use of ASDM with Web Gui ? 4.Does it not have support for Any k...
Dear Experts, I have one laptop which is getting disconnected from its actual location but works fine at other locations (even works if i move 5 mtrs from my position). the 802.1x is WLAN auth.  All other laptops are working fine. Pleas find the Deb...
Hello Experts, Can anyone Suggest me how to monitor/check the Bandwidth utilization of servers ..? is there any tool to this best... Awaiting your valuable response.
Hello Experts, Is it possible to allow/deny access to certain web sites/categories to a specific users/user groups from LDAP server (imported in firepower)..? also to this how to user based policy not as per the zones/netowrks/subnets etc..? also kin...
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Member Since ‎01-27-2015 08:28 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-15-2019 10:52 AM
Posts 57
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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