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Level 3
Member since ‎11-02-2017

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Has anyone else seen an excessive amount of ESP probes being sent to every public IP address . Makes me think there's a new exploit out.  Check logs on the routers.  Haven't ever in past 20 years seen this much probing using ESP packets.  Just a head...
I have a network running ospfv3 with ipv4 address family for many years with a combination of IOS and XR and Juniper and Arista devices and I tried to add a nexus 9k to it and there's no address-family ipv4 in ospfv3.. what in the heck? Am I missing ...
Anyone know if there's a way to get this working on nexus equipment?   https://www.juniper.net/documentation/en_US/release-independent/solutions/topics/task/configuration/centrally-routed-overlay-cloud-dc-configuring.html https://eos.arista.com/centr...
This documentation seems wrong, and doesn't work. Am I missing something or does the documentation need to be fixed.Talking about :Configuration Centralized VRF Route-Leaking - Shared Internet with Custom VRFhttps://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/swit...
I am having an issue with route leaking between VRFs in EVPN getting blackholed.  I swear I had this working in the lab the other day and now it's not.Example setup is 2 leaf one spine.  Leaf A vrf Test1L2VNI 1000 L3VNI 1001 Leaf Bvrf Test2L2VNI 2000...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-02-2017 06:52 PM
Date Last Visited ‎09-30-2024 01:23 AM
Posts 157
Total Helpful Votes Received 86
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