From the Get Call Contact info Step, the Called Number , Last Redirected Number and Original Called Number give me the CTIRoutePoint. How can I get the CTIPort number ?
All my agents are ready and have a skill level higher than the CSQ but the Select Resource Step of this CSQ always failed.My settings are :agent1 (Phone Agent) has Skill1(5).agent2 (CAD) has Skill1(2) and Skill2(2).CSQ for Skill1(1).Can someone tell ...
Hello Radhika,thanks for your interest !I need to know the precise CTI port where the call is located within the CRS script (aef).I am working on an integration between Cisco IPCC IVR and Genesys Contact Center framework.Genesys framework is monitori...
In some case, when I update the CSQ configuration by changing the resource group or skill, the first attempt is routed to the agent but the next calls fall in Queued branch even if the agents are ready.Thanks for your help.
I use the Reactive Debug and there is no Exception error.I use Select Resource with Connect set to No in order to Set Enterprise Data. But even when I set Connect to Yes, I have the same problem.My agents are listed in the Show Resource box from the ...