Tanner Jackson
Level 1
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Member since ‎04-02-2018

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  • 40 Posts
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  • 30 Helpful votes Given
  • 15 Helpful votes Received
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A change was recently made on one of our Rightfax Servers to use G.711 instead of T.38 and outbound faxes now drop at 15 minutes (change was made to avoid ongoing T.38 issues with transmission errors)We see the initial outbound invite where the fax e...
I'm attempting to bulk add about 1,200 local end user profiles but continue to get the below failure: -----------------Warning :LDAP Sync status is enabled.Some fields cannot be updated.Password should be specified either in CSV file or default crede...
Running CUCM 11.0.1 and while trying to upload a .cop file for a new device type we receive the error "No valid upgrade options were found" and shows "Name does not match any filter pattern". It shows the time the file was last modified at the Option...
The bug does not make much note of this but will 9200 become supported in the near future with newer versions of CER and/or if this is being worked on by Cisco? Does anyone also know if the 9300's are supported by newer versions of CER? (Edit: 9300's...
Hello,   In the last week or so we've been seeing a number of directory numbers being deleted completely from our CUCM. When looking at the AuditLog in RTMT we see no trace of the DN being deleted and no admin activity when it happens. We are running...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-02-2018 01:33 PM
Date Last Visited ‎11-05-2024 07:06 PM
Posts 40
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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