Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎11-28-2015

User Statistics

  • 31 Posts
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  • 25 Helpful votes Given
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User Activity

Hello Cisco Community!!I have an ASA5512 running 9.1(2) firmware with 4.x anyconnect software package and with 250 remote access vpn licenses installed but only 6 users can connect at a time. There seems to be no vpn session limit set in group-policy...
Hello Cisco Community! I have a 3750 acting as WAN switch connected to CrownCastle and MetTel I was able to get the routing up for the CrownCastle side as that circuit was available/installed the default route that's configured routes to Cr...
Hi Cisco Community! I have a silly question.  I'm looking to configure an ACL to allow to ONLY be able to communicate with via any protocol but no other machines or internet. The machines are part of the same broadcoast domain b...
Hello Cisco Community! The subject line really says it all. I'm working on extending an existing Verizon FIOS wifi connection/SSID within an apartment. I have two spare Cisco Aironet 2602i wireless access points I could use. I wanted to ask if there ...
Hello Everyone,It may very well be the time of day I'm writing this and long hours of looking at the screen.. but I'm setting up a lab ASA with an inside and outside interface. Inside interface is connected to a L3 Nexus 3064 using a transit VLAN ( 1...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-28-2015 07:00 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-20-2020 12:07 AM
Posts 31