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Member since ‎11-29-2007

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Hello,It seems I have the standby supervisor flash memory file system blocked whilst the sup-boodisk: file system is fine on the primary supervisor cardC6509#dir slavesup-bootdisk:%Error opening slavesup-bootdisk:/ (Device or resource busy)Both super...
Hello,I have a strange situation on one of my customer´s Data Centers:There are some servers connected to a C6509 switch via GigabitEthernet links set up at 1000/FD. I have observed the next difference regarding the throughput:- If flow-control is di...
Hello,I have a Cisco 4500 switche connected to a Service Provider router with a GigabitEthernet L3 interface and I am running EIGRP with the SP router.I enabled IP accounting output-packet on my switch interface but it is not collection any traffic s...
Hi,I have the following doubt:In my customer switches the NTP server configured is located in US and hence CST time is being used. Also the switches send syslog messages to a syslog server also located in US and working with CST times.My question is:...
Hello, IP address is reserved for HSRP so, if I do a ping to in a router/switch configured with HSRP only the IPs belonging to the HSRP groups should reply, I am right?However if I ping that IP I got a SAN replying to the ping. Co...
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Member Since ‎11-29-2007 10:42 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-08-2019 12:03 AM
Posts 149
Total Helpful Votes Received 44
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