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Member since ‎01-05-2005

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Hi,I have configured CME 4.1 to act as SIP Proxy Server,Configured it corectly so X-Lite SIP Softphone can register with it. Inside LAN network X-Lite to X-Lite calls function without the problem, but:I connect through VPN to my LAN and register X-Li...
Hallo, I have tried to reset IP Phone to its default value with the described documents obtained from cisco, but no reset is done and I have the following problem At the Display it is written "CISCO SYSTEMS" Line Buttons are blinking one by one and H...
Hallo, I have tried to reset IP Phone to its default value with the described documents obtained from cisco, but no reset is done and I have the following problemAt the Display it is written "CISCO SYSTEMS"Line Buttons are blinking one by one and Hea...
Hi,I am deploying two CME (Cisco 2800 series routers with image 12.4 (11XJ))locations with IP telephony. I would like to connect these two locations through VPN Internet connection without using the PIXs.Has anyone already had this requirmet and expe...
Hi,I am being asked froma customer about the following functionality. Router 2821 running CME 4.1 should be connected to Nortel Meridian PBX using QSIG thorug E1 interface. I have the following questions:1. PBX have phones with extensions 11111 to 11...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-05-2005 03:55 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 29
Total Helpful Votes Received 3
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