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Member since ‎12-11-2014

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  • 81 Posts
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Hi Everyone,When I connect my IP phone 8841 directly to cable modem (Motorola), the Phone get registered in CUCM. but when I connect the IP Phone with WRT54G2 in between, the Cisco IP phone does not get registered in CUCM.It says "verify your service...
Hi Team; I'm shipping 3units   7937 Cisco Conference Phones to India, but Customes is requesting the BIS Certificate of it. do you know where I can find this information? I already asked to our Cisco Partner and is not able to get that information fo...
Hi guys, in one of my sx20 running CE8 when I go to the web interface option Call Control, is just displaying      Partifipant           layout   There is no another option that allows me to do calls or to see if a call is running. I already upgraded...
Hi All, I have a SX20 with version CE8 witch is not allowing me to see the the Web Interface. When I access to the codec with the remote control, I don't find the option NetworkServices to enable HTTP On. Can you please let me know how to do it, I al...
Hi All, Can you please help me with the following ? We have installed jabber in desktop and mobile devices, users are complaining that when the receive the Jabber message  in the mobile, this message does not replicate to desktop, the same happen if ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-11-2014 03:54 PM
Date Last Visited ‎03-19-2021 12:01 AM
Posts 81
Total Helpful Votes Received 12
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