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Member since ‎04-26-2016

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Whenever the getNBRConfIdList NBR API is called, the response returns zero conf IDs. If I call the getNBRRecordIdList, I get a list of the recording IDs. This seems very wrong to me as I assume each recording should have a conf ID. A recording export...
I am trying to use the NBR API to access statistics about recorded meeting usage. Cisco is able to to provide an Excel report containing many details about current recordings including:CONFIDCONFNAMERECORDIDRECORDNAMEPLAYBACKCOUNTDOWNLOADCOUNTIs ther...
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Member Since ‎04-26-2016 08:25 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-19-2018 04:24 AM
Posts 4