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Member since ‎12-11-2014

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I have Exchange 2016 Enterprise and wanted to convert the general voicemail boxes I have from user to shared.  Is that supported by the Unity?
We just purchased new laptops for our staff and I am finding that because the laptop uses one type of device for the input (Intel) and another for the output (Realtek) it's not going to work with IP Communicator without a headset.  I found this issue...
Would anyone know what is needed to start utilizing the Cisco Finesse Native Call History Gadget. Do any other components need to be updated such as Cisco Unity Connection Administration or  Cisco Unified CM Administration.     Cisco Unified CCX is a...
We have a Unity 7 voicemail server and are planning an upgrade to our entire phone system next year. I need more licensing right now due to some new positions. Is there any way Cisco can help me? The licensing I need is UNITY7-USR-E. Is there a good ...
We have 4 WAP561-A-K9 wireless access points.  They keep losing connectivity to the cluster.  We also have several complaints from user's being unable to connect to the WAP's at all.  They all have as the active firmware.  The only way to get...
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Member Since ‎12-11-2014 09:28 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-15-2021 05:50 PM
Posts 15
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