Thank you Mr. Srinivasan for your kind support. It was really helpful to understand the concepts as I am a self trained guy come into the Cisco Unified Communication side. I will struggle a little. But the guys like you will be great strength.Thanks ...
Can I order the licensing for CUCM 8.0 based the on scenario i discussed with you with the following?Top level Part Number: CUCM-USR-LIC-ADDUser Add SKU: LIC-CUCM-USR-Aand please let me know what is the difference between LIC-CUCM-USR-A, LIC-CUCM-USR...
Thank you dear SriniReally helpful. Sorry for the trouble again. I have a new cluster of CUCM 9.1. around 2100 users are there. I planned to have a Cluster of 4 Call managers.1.Publisher2. Dedicated TFTP server3. Subscriber 1(primary)4. Subscriber 2(...
Thank you SriniCould you please give me the link to download CUCM 8.0 ordering guide?We are a selected partner of Cisco, so we can download it.Best Regards