Daniel Mckibbin
Level 1
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Member since ‎12-04-2010

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We have a service provider that has had multiple issues in the past with route oscillation (withdrawing routes and then injecting routes), causing the BGP total routes to fluctuate significantly and affect internet access. I'm working on an EEM that ...
I can't for the life of me get streaming video to work with stateful inspection. It looks like youtube is only using ports 80 and 443 for communication and I have those ports opened. Does stateful inspection inspect source or destination IP addresses...
This should be an easy question. For SSH access:Why does this work?Standard IP access list 2    10 permit, wildcard bits log    20 permit, wildcard bits (6 matches)    30 permit 208.x.x.0, wildcard bits
I have a 3640a, 3550 and airopoint 350 I use for my home internet connection. I know it's old equipment, but it's all I could afford at the time. Directly plugged into my modem I get about 10 mb/s, plugged into a switch port no greater than 6, and ab...
I have a 3640 connected to a 3550 with an AP attached for my home network. My PC is in a wireless VLAN and XBOX on the wired. When both are on the wired they are able to discover each other and I am able to stream videos from my PC to my XBOX. When o...
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Member Since ‎12-04-2010 05:14 PM
Date Last Visited ‎12-13-2019 07:37 AM
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