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Member since ‎01-08-2009

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HelloI have a specific question about generating a customized report for a user.  She wants to know the abandonment rate minus the calls that drop off in 10 seconds.  I don't use historical reports so I'm not too sure how to do this.  I looked at the...
Sorry for the noob question but here goes.  I have Call Manager v7.  My question is if I have 3 phones with one ext 0009 and I want the calls to go to the first phone and if that person isn't there go to the next phone and then if that person isn't t...
So I have users who uses Outlook 2007 and uses rules.  When people leave voicemail messages the voicemail doesn't stay and the mwi doesn't come on.  The VMO ver that we use is 5.0 2.   We use Exchange 2007 as well.  Is there any way around this or is...
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Member Since ‎01-08-2009 08:55 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 6