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Member since ‎10-06-2008

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Hi Guys,Just a quick one, any reason why a phone would go from a registered state to stuck on configuring IP when CDP is turned off on the switch. If CDP is turned back on they come back and are fine.I thought CDP was only needed for the boot process...
Hi Guys,i have a problem where i am getting white noise when setting up a conference call. This is intermittent and i have noticed it occurs when the G722 codec is advertised but then 5mins later when trying again it works fine but then the G711 is a...
Hi All,I have a bit of a strange scenario, i have a cluster 6.X and users in one site are unable to transfer calls internally. They get "your call cannot be completed as dialled" as soon as the second digit of the seven digit extension is pressed. Th...
Hi Guys,I am experiencing an issue with incoming calls on certain numbers within a range of ddi`s. The debug isdn q931 is returning the following:Jul 6 11:39:59.743 UTC: ISDN Se0/0/0:23 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x0050 Bearer Capabi...
Hi Guys,I have setup mobile voice access successfully using a mobile phone number as a remote destination and am able to login and make calls successfully. However, if i add a second remote destination such as a random extension number to that users ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-06-2008 11:56 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 119
Total Helpful Votes Received 33