I have a customer running ISE 2.4p8 and they would like to know if it is possible to use a custom script to retrieve internal user information along with password in clear text? Within ISE GUI the data is visible upon export with the exception of the...
The attached document includes the steps for enabling inline tagging for Access to Distribution Layer Devices. It covers three scenarios namely Single Link, Dual Link and Port-Channel Link.
Could I reference the device type in the drop-down to sub-groups under the "Registered Device" under the endpoint group? The idea is that when the user register their device manually and select for instance Android it will insert the MAC address for ...
Thanks for the reply but couple of questions:1. Not sure I understand "Use another ISE to simulate this radius token" what if I only have one ISE server? What are the configuration options?2. Am I not allowed to use RSA SecurID instead of Radius Toke...