Commsouth Infocom
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Member since ‎12-05-2012

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Hi,I would like to is there a possibility to know and send SIP commands to CUCM:a- how to Hang up a ongoing call ? any specific commands ?b- how to know if a call was hung up by a user ? any specific commands ?Your help is most appreciated.Regards,Pr...
Hi, I would like to is there a possibility to know and send SIP commands to CUCM: a- how to Hang up a ongoing call ? any specific commands ?b- how to know if a call was hung up by a user ? any specific commands ? Your help is most appreciated. Regard...
Hi, We have a CUCM and a 3rd party Voice mail system. We have no issues with voice messages, however we want to enable the MWI indicator in the Cisco IP Phones. From 3rd party voice mail system, we are sending SIP Notify command as "Messages-Waiting:...
Hi, I am actually deploying Call Recording for Cisco CUCM Version: and there is one Publisher & one Subscriber. For this purpose, we have created a AXL user along with other required SIP Trunk and Route Pattern, recording profile for the...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-05-2012 03:25 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-16-2018 08:33 PM
Posts 66
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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