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Member since ‎12-21-2018

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Does anyone have experience displaying on-prem Cisco UCCX queue data into a screen on the WebexCC desktop layout? If so, how would this be accomplished? We have some main line agents that frequently are looking at all the queues in the UCCX environme...
I am trying to figure out how to use the calendar step in my script to play a prompt on a certain day. Finesse is setup so the supervisors can now manage the calendar, queue, application, and a couple prompts. The supervisors see "Custom business day...
User ID: jconyers@arapahoegov.com SSOID: JamesConyers8264Error:ProjectId : 1675851298select sso_id, c_ccp_status from users where login = 'jconyers@arapahoegov.com'userDetails output = { "status" : "success", "message" : "", "http_code" : 200...
User ID: jconyers@arapahoegov.com SSOID: JamesConyers8264Error:ProjectId : 1675851298select sso_id, c_ccp_status from users where login = 'jconyers@arapahoegov.com'userDetails output = { "status" : "success", "message" : "", "http_code" : 200...
I have a subflow script that is being used to set an alert prompt to play or not depending on whether the alert setting is turned ON or OFF. This variable is updated by calling into a separate trigger on the application and ultimately routed to this ...
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Member Since ‎12-21-2018 09:25 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-19-2024 12:15 AM
Posts 16
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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