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Member since ‎01-08-2019

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I have a working 7942 IP phone connected to a working 561 headset. All cables are connected. The headset and phone don't see each other. I browsed my phone settings and found Headset Hookswitch Control "Disabled". The only management program I have i...
Hello everyone. We just bought a Cisco 561 headset. The headset itself works great since you can connect it to a computer via USB. But, we have a Cisco IP phone 7941 running 9-4 firmware. When this headset is plugged into that phone it doesn't seem t...
Cisco Wifi (VLAN30, Router( ( I have a Cisco wireless AP. I can connect to it with any wireless device. I am getting an IP from the Cisco Router which is giving vlan 30 the subnet 172.16....
When I open Cisco Configuration Assistant i get a startup error. Please see the attached image.I tried to install the latest version of Java, but that didn't help. I also noticed that when i logged into a different computer with this Cisco software i...
I have a Cisco wireless AP. It's configured for Vlan 1 and Vlan 30. Vlan 1 is our internal subnet. Vlan 30 is the "Guest" network. I've worked my way through the switches to make sure the Guest Vlan is configured. It is on certain ports. The router i...
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Member Since ‎01-08-2019 12:54 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-07-2024 03:10 PM
Posts 13
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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