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Member since ‎08-02-2008

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We setup user authentication through a Radius server.  We can SSH to a router when we are local.  However, we are unable to SSH when we login to Cisco VPN client. Is there a way to allow SSH when we login to Cisco VPN client?ssh XXX.XXX.XXX.0 255.255...
We just setup a new config on the ASA.  We cannot get on the internet with the group "services" for full tunnel when using Cisco VPN client. We can get to Google by IP address.  But, we cannot get to Google by typing  Do you have any sugg...
We are running 8.2(4) on ASA 5550.   Is there a command to erase the running config and still have a chance to paste a new config?  I used CLEAR CONFIGURE ALL.  It cleared the running config.  But, it did not give me a chance to paste a new config re...
My user is running Windows XP Home Edition.  He was able to install Cisco VPN client, ver.  However, he was not able to Remote Control to his computer at work.  Do you know if there are any issues with Cisco VPN client running on Windows...
We have setup a Remote Access VPN, using Cisco VPN client in our test environment.  Everything is working properly.  We were able to login to Cisco VPN client and access the internal resources.  However, we want to copy the same config to another ASA...
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Member Since ‎08-02-2008 03:56 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 132