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Member since ‎01-05-2009

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Hi,We are implementing Cisco UCCE 7.5. In our planning stages, we are trying to develop queue strategy. Is there a max number of skills you can assign to 1 single agent in ICM?Thanks,Eric
I'm trying to send a call to our legacy PBX. The PBX is not hooked into IPCC, so I am trying to send the call back to the Gateway so it can route down the appropriate path. I used a label with the appropriate extension; however, when the Gateway pick...
Does anyone know how to get the CALLICMInfo table in CVP Reporting Informix database populated? I have enabled all VXMLapplication data and I do see data populated in almost every other table except this one. My first instinct was that the CallGUID ...
I created an ECC variable and relized an alternate method in accomplishing my goal. I'm going back to clean up and trying to delete the ECC variable and it is erroring with "this variable is being referenced by a script". I checked the script to make...
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Member Since ‎01-05-2009 04:10 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 10