Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎04-06-2005

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  • 373 Posts
  • 25 Solutions
  • 30 Helpful votes Given
  • 172 Helpful votes Received
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Forum:I have a group of routers participating in two parallel NHRP Networks. One of the NHRP networks receives tunnel protection (DMVPN), the other does not. The DMVPN was using certificate maps, and worked well.I want to apply tunnel protection to t...
The ISAKMP SA lifetime for one of our DMVPNs is set to ~ 24 hours in the following ISAKMP policy:crypto isakmp policy 3 encr 3des group 2 lifetime 86399Despite this, the Crytpo tunnels go down every 2 hours. They come back up after about 4 seconds.We...
Trying to install a second certificate issued by the same Certificate Authority (CA). However, the new certificate replaces it's predecessor.Original Certificate Enrollment Config:crypto pki trustpoint ca.domain.null enrollment url http://ca.domain.n...
Note: These messages have been extracted from Syslog Message Fields in a Wireshark trace file, so the leading numbers (e.g.: 86771, 86743) are not being pre-pended by the syslog server.Example of a syslog message with "service sequence-numbers" NOT c...
We setup a Cisco IOS Certificate Server, and successfully issued several certificates (via SCEP enrollment) to routers participating in a DMVPN. We then tried to enroll a c3550 (c3550-ipservicesk9-mz.122-52.SE) via SCEP, but encountered an issue with...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-06-2005 09:02 AM
Date Last Visited
Posts 373
Total Helpful Votes Received 172