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Member since ‎06-26-2019

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  • 46 Posts
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I need to change the PC Port setting on, literally, thousands of phones but this parameter is not available in Bulk changes. Any ideas on how to make this change in batches of phones based on MAC?
I'd like to have a CCX script utilize REST API to gather and then modify phone attributes in CUCM. I've successfully done this for Meeting Server however, CUCM uses SOAP which throws a monkey wrench in my brain. My settings (which fail) in the REST s...
I can grab the config of the particular phone using Postman and see the setting pcPort. When I change that setting from Postman, the XML shows it changed but the Call Manager web admin does not show the change. I can successfully change other attribu...
John Bushong here. New to Cisco Dev but not to Cisco voice apps. Looking to design ways to better manage the voice infrastructure.
I went to add my new 8800 router to the 11.5 Call Manager and I don't see it listed in the drop-down. I have yet to find a document that tells me how to make this happen. Any suggestions? 
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-26-2019 02:17 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-08-2024 04:07 AM
Posts 46
Total Helpful Votes Received 22