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Member since ‎07-26-2019

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Hello all,When I create a VRF on a router or L3 switch, am I creating just a separate routing table (like just a separate dictionary of routes), or am I creating an actual new routing process on the box ? So often in diagrams I will see VRF's represe...
Hello all,I've always heard that EIGRP can't handle a lot of routes (like you don't want to blindly redistribute BGP into EIGRP as it could crash the EIGRP process), but I've never heard specifically why that is the case? Is it maybe because of:How E...
Hello all,I'm curious if anyone knows a way to upgrade a Cisco APIC via .iso on a USB drive, say if I got a new APIC in and I need to upgrade/downgrade its OS version before swapping it into the APIC cluster? Would be nice to be able to do this via U...
Hello all,This question has been asked in other places but I feel like there's never a solid answer on what these commands technically do.For Remove From Controller , things I've heard are:Remove From ControllerWipes the switch itself and removes it ...
Hello all,Per the C9336-FX2 Hardware Installation Guide : From ACI release 3.2(3i) onwards, ports 31-34 are convert-able to downlink ports.  Per this great answer from @Sergiu.Daniluk , it should be fairly simple to convert a port to a Downlink port....
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-26-2019 06:57 AM
Date Last Visited
Posts 183
Total Helpful Votes Received 145