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Member since ‎09-03-2012

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Hi,I´ve got a strange problem with the connectivity within a ring topology.Please view the attached screenshot for a short overview of the scenario.There are five switches from the SGE2000 series and one SG200-50.The SG200-50 is the root bridge and R...
Hi,one of our AP541N with software version 2.02 loses a part of the configured wpa personal key.There are several SSIDs configured but usually it loses only parts of one wpa key.E.g. : Configured password ("example12345"). After a certain time (2-3 w...
Hi,we have got 3 Cisco APs 541N with firmware version 9.2.2 and want to set up the cluster function for those APs.Here is the problem:Before enabling the cluster you can ping all three APs located in the same local network with a delay of 1ms or belo...
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Member Since ‎09-03-2012 05:16 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
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