Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎06-24-2004

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  • 180 Posts
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I installed new 525s with FoS7.0.4 to replace my two 515s with FoS6.3. However, the 525s wont pass traffic or reply to inside devices when pinged/etc. I verified that the configs are identical (as much as possible with the syntax changes). The primar...
Hi all,I have a 3524-PWR switch that was having issues. I replaced it with a new one and the issues persist. Here's the log messages:00:00:12: %LINK-4-ERROR: is experiencing errors00:00:16: Assert failure in ../src-malibu/dm_addr.c line 154400:00:16...
Hi,I've got a 2621 running 12.3 with the full ipsec set so I can run ADSL lines with IPSEC tunneling into our main offices. This is a standard branch office setup for us.The problem currently is with a new office needing 2 DSL lines because the upstr...
Hi,We are using a remote-worker solution with Cisco 1721's and ADSL lines to provide our home users with hardware VPN access into our corporate network. Several users complain that their VOIP phone at home has one of the following issues periodically...
Hi all,I recently had to install some pixs between our internet router and some internal routers in one branch office. A quick overview:internet router <--> Pixes in FO pair <-NAT-> Routers <--> Switch FabricBasically, the internal routers used to ha...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-24-2004 11:27 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 180
Total Helpful Votes Received 88
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