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Member since ‎07-07-2006

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Hello,My network used to be one flat network. I implemented vlan into the environment, and now my VPN users no longer be able to access any network resources when they are connected. Please advice as what do I need to get my VPN users to access the n...
My network used to be one vlan (vlan1). All devices on the network to point to my PIX as the default gateway to the Internet. Since, I vlan-ed the network into multiple vlans using the ip routing feature on the 3550, I cannot access the Internet. I...
Currently, I have a static mapping of my public mail ip address to my Exchange server on the inside of the ASA 5510 using the statement below:     access-list outside extended permit tcp any host 69.3.216.x eq smtp     static (inside, outside) 69.3.2...
What's wrong or missing from the configuration below? No internet access. On the ASA, I can ping my T1 router:T1 router - 69.X.X.193Outside interface 69.X.X.196Inside interface show run: Saved:ASA Version 8.0(2)!hostname a...
Hi, I have configured two PIX 506 to do site-to-site VPN. I have attempted to test the PIX intended for the branch office at my home ADSL access from SBC. I cannot get out to the internet with the branch PIX in place. Is there any potocol/port need ...
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Member Since ‎07-07-2006 05:41 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
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