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Member since ‎12-27-2002

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  • 89 Posts
  • 4 Solutions
  • 61 Helpful votes Given
  • 58 Helpful votes Received
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Hello, I know that maybe this is an extrage question because EoL of Cisco Prime. One of my clients is happy with Cisco Prime and wants to use it until last possible moment. He has actually a Campus network with Catalyst C9300 switches and wants to kn...
Hello, I need a firewall supporting IEC 60870-5-104 standard. I know ISA300 does it, but I don't need a rugged firewall because of the location and other purposes of the firewall.  My question is if any other Cisco Secure firewall supports it (4200, ...
Hi all, I can not find in data sheets or FAQs how many VRFs are supported in C9500 or C9300. Does someone know where can I find this info?  
Hello, I have implemented SDA in two sites with Fabric in a Box of two switches in a stack in each remote site. Everything is working fine without any problem. But now in one of the sites I have to add a stack of two more switches placed in another f...
DNAC version DNAC as Netflow collector server and Monitor Wired Cliets active (Network settings). Applicaton Telemetry enabled on switches (Provision). Application visibility with CBAR enabled on switches and synced (Application visibility). ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-27-2002 04:33 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-03-2024 12:01 AM
Posts 89
Total Helpful Votes Received 58
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