Chris Austin
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Member since ‎09-30-2010

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I have 3 out of box C220 m6.  2 on the network and 1 waiting. The 2 on the network have the same issue so it has to be something i missed in the config/install of ESX. CIMC is reachable. ESX can ping itself but not the gateway.  Both CIMC and ESX are...
CUCM 14 with LDAP integration for user import/authentication. Changed password now getting below error. Error Message Failed to connect to ldap://x.x.x.1:389, check the server IP address or the network connection Error Message Failed to connect to ld...
We are getting an intermittent problem where the first number of the voice mail pilot is being put and the end. The vm pilot is 9358995.  When certain users press the  vm button on the phone, it is dialing 3589959.  Sometimes we can reset the phone a...
Upgraded ESX, so had to shutdown the Subscriber.  Had an issue with MGCP gateways not failing back to primary and while registered to the secondary  they were not processing calls.CUCM 11.5Site ASub A-1Sub A-2 DatacenterPubSub D-1 When we shutdown Su...
We have 8811 phones that have the speaker disabled.  On these phones we are unable to forward all.  The softkey is greyed out when the speaker is disabled but available when speaker is enabled.  Has anyone seen this and/or know how to make forward av...
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Member Since ‎09-30-2010 06:50 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-08-2024 07:21 AM
Posts 27
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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