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Member since ‎01-17-2020

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  • 136 Posts
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  • 310 Helpful votes Given
  • 100 Helpful votes Received
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Hello, I have a contact center the operates till 11.30 am (managed with a calendar object). In the Contact Service Queue Activity by CSQ Report, I see several Calls Presented to my queue in the time range 11.30 - 12.00. How is it possible?  Another q...
I'm going through the spec of the Extension Mobility API for CUCM 11.x. I do not understand what LogoutAll is expected to do. Is this request used to logout all the users for all the devices, or is this used to logout a user from all her devices? The...
So, I'm trying to build an Extension-mobility-API-based service with a CUCM 11.5 cluster. I have 2 questions:   Since I have to deal with ~4k devices with relative login/out events, I need to know if there is any limitation on the number of requests ...
Hello there. I'm using CCX/Finesse 12.5 for Outbound campaigns. When a call enters, all the call variables are empty (e.g., BAAccountNumber, BACampaign, ...). I'm about to migrate from a CCX/Finesse 10.6 where same call vars used to work frictionless...
After setting-up an sftp server on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS following this guide  https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-enable-sftp-without-shell-access-on-ubuntu-20-04 I can't connect to it from CUCM 10.5.2. Here is the log     admin:file ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-17-2020 12:37 AM
Date Last Visited ‎01-31-2024 12:13 AM
Posts 136
Total Helpful Votes Received 100